
My Story

“If people are nurtured and taught to be focused both internally and externally, they get their spark, energy and inspiration back, leading to a whole different echelon of productivity in our corporations.”—Lisa May

My mission is to elevate you to new levels of fulfillment and performance. My intention is to support your transformation, as a corporate executive, by infusing new energy, passion and purpose into your life, based on breakthrough models and tools using the latest in brain science and holistic approaches to leadership.

As a former executive who has been in the trenches with the best of you, I have an inside perspective on what it means to meet performance standards for profits, revenues, and goals at the end of the day.

During my 20+ years in Corporate America, I climbed the ranks from sales representative to Executive VP in the medical device arena, first at Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon Endo-Surgery for the majority of those years, and then later at Urologix.

As rewarding as these experiences were, I also witnessed pain in the eyes of many of my colleagues that had burned out. They were spent… empty from a fast pace that simply didn’t embrace the realities of work/life balance.  The old ways of doing business weren’t working.

Sleepless nights from 150+ annual travel days, anxiety, panic, and brain fog are just a few of the symptoms I endured that led to a broken body and spirit. The cause? A life of external-based achievement.   My quest for outside validation began as a young girl, when I was a consistent, medal-winning athlete.  Naturally, I took that drive to business.

Outside looking in, I “had it all.” Inside, like many of you, I was depleted.

Finally, I stopped and broke the rules:  I cried.  I spoke the truth of the costs of living my life while putting corporate’s goals before my own needs.  My family, my boss and (most importantly) I, heard the message loud and clear.

This was a catalyst for huge changes in my life so I could become alive in new ways.

My soul search led me to ask the question that “calls” me to help you:

Is The YOU missing from YOUR life?

I was certainly absent from the best of me, and when I got myself back, I knew I had to follow my life purpose – to help you and your corporation do the same.   The inner journey is the most significant and productive task of life.   You become your best by feeling, not just thinking, which requires time spent BEING.

During this time, I became a certified health coach through the renowned Institute for Integrated Nutrition and was later trained in the latest brain science techniques from the powerful work of neuroscientist Dr. Joe Dispenza. I attended his “Progressive” trainings and later became certified as a corporate coach through his company, Neuro Change Solutions (NCS). NCS’s “Change Your Mind Create New Results” training enables leaders to harness the incredible power of the brain to make significant changes in perspectives and possibility thinking. NCS also helps your organization:

  • Increase creativity
  • Reduce stress
  • Improve resilience
  • Improve engagement
  • Shift cultures

“Lisa is a dynamic leader who considers all aspects of energy to optimize performance and organizational success.  Her holistic view of mind, body and spirit is conveyed in a simple and honest method that embraces diverse backgrounds and enrolls people to maximize their best self.  She connects on a deep personal level and builds trust and transparent relationships very quickly.”

~ Jeremiah Kaplan, Business Unit Director, Johnson & Johnson.

Teaching executives and corporations how to bridge the gap between the demands of the external world and the treasures within themselves is my passion.

It’s no surprise that a fulfilled and balanced PERSON makes the best leader. The best leader ignites the potential in others to reach new heights, enhancing performance and corporate results.


  • I have had the opportunity to know and work with Lisa for over 12 years and she is the perfect example of a servant leader. Not only does she know how to drive the business, she leads her teams in a way that brings out the best in each individual and the team. Lisa leads by example and develops her teams, whether in sales or marketing, sales representative or marketing director, to strive for the very best in themselves and the strategic objective. It is not just about the sale with Lisa, it is the development path you took to get there and what you did to make yourself better the next time.

    Director, National Accounts
    EndoChoice, Inc.

  • I had the pleasure of being part of a team which was led by Lisa. During that time, I observed how she utilized the unique strengths of each individual to nurture a high performing sales leadership team. It is a skill that she taught me and something I now employ today as a manager. Recognizing the importance of leveraging each individuals’s strength to drive performance is just one of many leadership traits that Lisa has shown me.

    Energy Division Manager

  • Lisa is not your ordinary ‘executive coach’ by any stretch…. By combining her executive experience with her ability to read and understand where you are in your life’s journey, she will help you examine who and where you are today and help you discover what’s possible to achieve your life’s mission. From the discovery process of who you are, to identifying your path, Lisa will take you on a journey that will be challenging, enlightening and bring a whole new holistic leadership perspective that will change your life.

    VP – Innovation

  • Great leaders are able to identify what their teams need to succeed, meet those needs, and then step out of the way. Lisa May exemplifies those qualities as a leader. She is incredibly perceptive and able to guide people on how they can grow and succeed while staying focused on what is truly important and maintaining healthy balance in their lives. She understands the big picture from her own personal and professional experience and genuinely takes joy in sharing that knowledge with others.

    Vice President, Client Partnership
    Healthcare Regional Marketing

  • I’ve known Lisa for over 15 years and have had the opportunity to work with her and for her in different capacities throughout our rewarding relationship. Her dynamic, engaging, caring, and passionate personality has had a dramatic impact on my life and taught me many valuable life lessons. From the moment that you meet her, you will feel like you’ve known her years over. She is an inspirational leader that consistently leaves a positive wake with people that come in and out of her life. She has become a “go to” person and mentor for me in all walks of life – professionally and personally. In life, you need people like Lisa May that will forever have a lasting impact on how you handle the journey that lies ahead. She will be there for you every step of the way!

    National Sales Manager, Percuvance
    Surgical Division, Teleflex

  • Lisa is a leader like no other. She brings an undeniable light into any room, an unequivocal human element into every workplace she touches. She lives a life of wellness and balance; having been on an amazing personal journey– professionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. Instead of simply going through the steps of growth and change, she continually taps into it, in order to understand, and then apply to the workplace and other people, to help them in their own personal balance, wellness and growth. She walks the walk and encourages each individual she works with to tap into their strengths, while enabling each to understand and turn around any weaknesses.

    Inside Sales

  • To describe Lisa as inspirational is an understatement. She has a unique ability in interpersonal communication, motivation, and brings a higher strength to those in her presence. She has become a mentor in my life and has truly assisted me in encompassing a work-life balance in which I am forever grateful for. She keeps me accountable to my own standards, and challenges me to be the best Jennifer in all aspects of my life.

    Outreach Manager

  • Over the past 10 years I have observed and experienced Lisa’s leadership, direction and encouragement in my life. She has always treated each individual with great care and concern knowing that we are a whole person and that our personal lives cannot be separated from work life. She is a passionate, determined woman that has sought out resources at length to help those in need of tools and resources to develop skills to be successful in life. She opens her heart and mind to first listen and understand before being understood. I’ve thrived professionally while working with and for Lisa and I’m confident she will continue to positively impact lives in the future!

    Regional VP

  • Throughout my professional career, I’ve worked with many talented individuals. Lisa’s commitment to balance, wellness, and personal growth transcends that of any other. Her counsel, and our discussions around “being present” and “giving energy”, shape my interactions to this day. I am grateful for the time I spent on Lisa’s team. She is an exceptionally talented leader who understands how to win – personally and professionally.

    Regional Manager

  • What makes Lisa unique:

    Lisa brings a very unique perspective to leadership. She taught me one of the most valuable lessons that any manager/leader has in my 24 years. She taught me the importance of “Art and Science”! The “SCIENCE” is what all leaders teach their managers. It is business planning, execution, people management, etc. The “ART” is the power and force multiplier that is released when your people believe you care about them. It is a culture that drives the science. Lisa truly cares about her people and creates a foundation where her people will do anything for her! Lisa’s teams get as much satisfaction out of performing for her and the team as they do driving compensation. Very powerful!

    Sr. Manager, Sales Learning
    Global Education Solutions

  • Lisa utilized her decades in Corporate America and her dedication to health and well-being to bridge a gap that is nessisary for people to manage a demanding career, home and family, and their untapped connection to their personal growth and spiritual self.

    Rising Fire

  • Lisa has the ability to personalize her leadership style for the individual she is leading. It is unique because she doesn’t make broad stroke recommendations on development, it is customized.

    Additionally, Lisa has a motivational, encouraging style that is less standard hype, but with a focus on the whole person. She wants to know who you are, genuinely. Lisa focuses more on human development and believes if your spirit and attitude are aligned, it is easier to focus and execute your business objectives.

    Territory Sales Manager
    Cohera Medical

  • As the CEO of an emerging enterprise, stress rears its head in strange, surprising ways. It is far too easy to cope to survive instead of to evolve to thrive. Fulle provides a functional and effective framework to transform the leader's personal reality in a meaningful way. I'm incredibly appreciative for the opportunity to utilize these tools as our journey continues to progress. Thank you

    CEO Regrained


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